At Clean-Flo International, we understand that every lake is unique, and that’s why we specialize in delivering tailor-made Lake Management Action Plan and solutions for each and every project.

Thanks to our exclusive relationship with SIS.BIO, the world’s leading biotechnology company in the water sector, our solutions revolve around our proprietary Rapid Acting Dissolved Oxygen Remediation (RADOR) systems and unique biological augmentation products and programs.


We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach or cobbling together “kit” systems. We know that every water body has its own distinct characteristics, and we do not recommend off-the-shelf kit systems.

In fact, over the years, we’ve replaced countless inadequate “kit” systems with custom designed RADOR systems that quickly make a significant difference in achieving our clients’ desired outcomes.


Our process starts with getting to know your water body inside and out. We perform a sonar bathymetric scan to create a detailed depth profile and calculate the water volume and surface area at different depth contours.

This information is crucial for optimizing our designs and ensuring that we place RADOR diffusers in the right spots to oxygenate the entire water column throughout the water body.

Whether we’re designing for a sprawling 1,000-acre drinking water reservoir or a cozy residential lake, we follow the same design principles to make sure the water column is fully oxygenated.

Our systems can handle a wide range of project sizes, and we offer compressor housing solutions ranging from soundproof, durable,
weather-resistant enclosures to custom-built structures that protect against flooding and provide proper ventilation for the compressors.

launching a boat for biodredging


hand dipping into clean water

What sets Clean-Flo apart is our proprietary RADOR oxygenation technology, which outperforms traditional membrane, “bubbler,” or air-hose diffuser designs in terms of performance, efficiency, and longevity.

Our engineers use proprietary modeling and design software algorithms to customize the selection and placement of RADOR diffusers for each project.


Just like every lake is physically different, it’s also biologically unique, especially if it has been dealing with eutrophication for a long time. That’s why we analyze the profile of phytoplankton populations to develop custom biological augmentation programs.

As the remediation program progresses, we keep tracking these key indicators to understand how they’re changing and the positive impact on foundation organisms in the food web.

This allows us to adaptively adjust and re-optimize the biological remediation strategy in response to improvements. 

Clean-flo full service lake management


All water bodies are dynamic, complex adaptive ecosystems, and the goal of remediation programs is to reverse eutrophication and manage the risks of hypoxia and toxic cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (HABs) to drive change. That’s why we monitor what changes and adapt our biological remediation strategies accordingly to optimally respond to prevalent conditions as improvement takes place.

Similarly, as Bio-Dredging eliminates organic sediment, increases water volume, and increases the average depth of a water body (often by several feet), the RADOR system bathymetric analysis enables us to reoptimize the RADOR system to these changed conditions.


For a personalized consultation and estimate, reach out to Clean-Flo International. Let us help you achieve optimal water quality and ecological balance through our custom-designed RADOR oxygenation systems and natural, biological product suite.

Together, we can work towards restoring your lake to its former glory and preserving the cherished Lake Lifestyle for you and your community. Click on the link below and reach out to us today.

Download the Lake Management ACTION Plan E-Book

Ready to explore how oxygenation can transform your lake? Download Clean-Flo’s Lake Management ACTION Plan E-Book to learn more about our innovative solutions, real-world results, and how we can help restore and protect your lake.